Configuring your organization for IncidentAnalytix depends on what features you intend to use. 

Required Configurations:

These items must be configured before you begin to add Incident Events.

  • Organization Details - this allows you to enter a proper Organization Name and address information that is displayed in the User Interface.
  • Notification Level - to add an Incident you must add at least one Notification Level. You can have multiple levels or you can have only one level which could be something like "Not Applicable".

Optional Configurations:

These are optional items that you can implement at any time.

  • Insurance Company - in order to add an Insurance Claim you you must add at least one Insurance Company to connect to that claim
  • Person to Notify - in order to add a Notification about an Incident you must add at least one Person to Notify 
  • Organization Site - in order to specific an Organization Site for an Incident you must add at least one which could be something like "Not Selected" or "Not Applicable".
  • Organization Facility - in order to specific an Organization Facility you must add at least one which could be something like "Not Selected" or "Not Applicable".
  • Organization Guidance (Private Cloud Only) - Organization Facility allows you to create custom information and guidance page information for the Mobile App.
  • Organization Program Type - in order to specify an Organization Program Type in an Incident you must add at least one which could be something like "Not Selected" or "Not Applicable".
  • Person Alleged Consequence - If you are tracking Person Alleged, this feature allows you to create Organizational Consequences as a result of an Incident and apply that consequence to the Person Alleged. If you use the Person Alleged Consequence feature, then you need to enter at least one value in this custom organization table which could be something like "Not Selected" or "Not Applicable".

In addition to using these features, we also allow you to customize some of the dropdown lists. This is only in those cases where there are user selectable options permitted by the application. For example, the Incident Type only permits one of two options: Close Call or Adverse Consequence. One of these is required for all Incidents therefore Users are not permitted to customize this dropdown list to ensure that the Analytics can analyze consistent data. See the Custom Configuration section for more details.