User Interface Enhancements

We’ve have done some behind the scenes work with the UI to improve usability and accessibility across the application.

  • You’ll notice new welcome screens with help information and an enhanced Tour Walkthrough for new Users.
  • There are new icon and color differences to enhance the users experience and navigation.
  • The left navigation sidebar has been streamlined to make it easier to locate data.
  • The SmartGids have been enhanced with Search Boxes to allow you to enter search terms for the key field of each grid and the Grid Filtering, Grouping, and Sorting features have been enhanced.
  • We have expanding the Configuration Section to make it easier to do setup and customization of your application including Organization Custom Tables like Insurance Company, Notification Levels, Person Notified and Organization Program Type as well as be able to customize values that appear in Lookup Tables.
  • The Configuration Section now includes a list of all data types in the database with short descriptions of each data type and direct links to the Support Center with the complete documentation on that data type.
  • We have enhanced a number of the Lookup Tables including making the Country and State/Province lookups linked as cascading dropdown lists so when you select the country you will only see States/Provinces for that country. We now include the ISO list of all States/Provinces.

New Data Tracking Elements

As requested by some users we have added series of new data tracking elements to the system. These are particularly focused on Youth Protection. Attached is our complete Data Type Map showing you all of the data you can now track in IncidentAnalytix. All of the new Data Types are documented at

Youth Protection Features

  • Person Alleged: This allows you to gather information about a Person Alleged to have been involved with an Incident. This would be considered the possible perpetrator as compared to the Person who would be considered the possible victim.
  • Person Alleged Behavior: This allows for tracking the Behavior of an Alleged Person.
  • Person Alleged Consequences: This allows for tracking of Consequences applied to the Alleged Person. In combination with this we have added a new custom table for each organization to add your own Organization Consequences.
  • Person Alleged Legal: This allows for tracking any Legal Action taken against an Alleged Person.
  • Person Alleged Investigation: This allows for tracking any Investigations into an Alleged Person.
  • Person Alleged Police Report: This allows tracking of Police Reports related to an Alleged Person.
  • Person Alleged Treatment: This allows for tracking any Treatment provided to an Alleged Person.

Privacy Controls

Much of the data stored in IncidentAnalytix is sensitive. We have added a new Privacy Feature that allows you to control the visibility of data that contains Personally Identifiable Information (like Person, Witness, etc.). This is particularly important when the data relates to minors, or to staff members and you need to limit who can view the data. The following Data Types now have Privacy Control built-in:

With each of these data types you can set them to Visible (the default when an item is created) or Not Visible (private). The Privacy Control section for this is in the Administration Configuration Section which is also secured by User Access Roles allowing you to control what User Roles are able to manage Visibility.

When an item is marked as not visible it is no longer displayed in the main Incident User Section and it can only be accessed from the Privacy area in the Configuration Section. Since IncidentAnalytix uses a data hierarchy structure with the Incident Event as the top of the hierarchy, if the Incident itself is marked as Not Visible, no one will see it in the main Search Grid and all of the sub-tables connected to an Incident will not be discoverable through the interface. You can choose to keep the Incident Visible and select only those sub-tables that you chose to be Not Visible (ex. Person Alleged, Staff, etc.). 

Making a data type Not Visible does not change the data displayed in the Analytics Dashboards. That still includes all data since individual records are generally not identifiable.

Expanded Contributing Factors with Relationships & Accimaps

This is a big enhancement requested by users. The Contributing Factors section has been enhanced so that the Contributing Factor Types (ex. Environment) now has a cascading relationship to the Contributing Factor itself (ex. Cold Weather). Now when you select a Contributing Factor Type in the first dropdown list, only the Contributing Factors of that Type will be shown in the second dropdown list. This makes data entry faster and more consistent. To get the most out of this feature you need to Understand Taxonomies.

The other new feature we have added is the ability to create Relationships between one or more Contributing Factors. For example, you could have a Contributing Factor Human Factor: Judgement Error and relate that to Human Factor: Fatigue.  With this new feature IncidentAnalytix allows you to take these related Contributing Factors and build an AcciMap for your Incident that connects all of the Contributing Factors by exporting the data to Excel and then processing it in Microsoft Visio.


NEW! Mitigating Factors Data Type with Relationships & PreventiMaps

For those of you who want to implement a Safety II Approach to your data tracking, we now include a complete Mitigating Factors section. This mirrors the Contributing Factors section by chaining a Mitigating Factor Type to a Mitigating Factor with the same cascading dropdown approach. The Mitigating Factors model will also let you create relationships between your Mitigating Factors and generate PreventiMaps from your Incidents. To get the most out of this feature you need to Understand Taxonomies.