Welcome to IncidentAnalytix (IA), the most comprehensive Risk Management Information System available. The goal of IA is to allow you to collect comprehensive data on incidents and near misses through a consistent reporting interface and provide you with robust real-time analytics to help you assess and improve your risk management program. 

IA offers a deep set of data collection tools. This guide will help you in the initial planning and configuration stage. The full documentation for IA is available at https://support.incidentanalytix.com which offers detailed descriptions, screenshots, and videos of the IA platform.

The Public Cloud is a shared server hosting multiple organizations. Small to mid-sized organizations needing less than 50 users are best served by the Public Cloud. Your data is always isolated and secure from other organizations on the same server. 

This document will walk you through the process of setting up your new site. We have included links to short videos as well as links to various support resources.

Overview of IncidentAnalytix

(4 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQsinCxEWzM

Setting up your IncidentAnalytix Solution

(13 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHxgfVt505Q


Basics of Data Entry

(16 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WWxftRN2K4


Stage 1 - Planning

Public Cloud

  1. Single Tenant: For Public Cloud clients your organization operates as a Single Tenant on the shared server (where there are multiple other tenants). All of your licensed users will have access to a single data store. There are options for identifying different branches, sites and facilities as well as program types and course types within your single organization through custom dropdown lists. With this you can search and filter across these custom parameters unique to your organization. When planning your setup, you should think about what these custom elements should look like to best describe and compartmentalize your organization. 
  2. Identify Data to Track: IA offers the most comprehensive database tracking structure on the market. You only track the data that you wish to track (and you can start small and add additional data types over time). You should review the onboarding documentation for all of the IA Data Types available and decide which ones are important for your program needs (for example do you wish to include the Witnesses and Witness Reports data types). Data Types that you do not plan to use can be disabled and will not appear in the User Interface. If you decide you want to enable a particular Data Type in the future, you can reenable it.
  3. Role Based Security: Once you know what data you are going to collect, you can determine who in your organization should be able to see/work with those data types. IA is based on the principal of Role Based Security. You determine a number of custom Roles for your organization and grant each Role different levels of permission as to what the person assigned to that Role can/cannot do. 
  4. Users: Once you have created Roles with Permissions, you can now assign your Users to the appropriate Role. They will only have the permission granted to them by their Role. 

Stage 2 – Setting up your Organization

Please follow these guidelines when creating your IncidentAnalytix account for the first time. This is essential to ensure that Users can enter Incident Data correctly.


1.Add Details about your Organization

  • Organization Details - required
  • Organization Branch
  • Organization Course Type
  • Organization Facility
  • Organization Program Type
  • Organization Site
  • Notification Level – required if using Notification
  • Person Notified
  • Insurance Company – required if entering Insurance Claims
  • Person Consequence
  • Organization Guidance (Private Cloud Only) 

2. Determine the Data to Track - required

IA utilizes a hierarchical database system to track incidents. The top level is the Incident Event (e.g., what, when and where the event took place). This data resides in the Incident Event Table which is considered the Parent Table. All other data entered resides in Child Tables linked to the Incident Event Table and, in some cases, to another Child Table. Here is an example of the data hierarchy:

  • Incident Event Table
    1. Person Table
      • Person Injury Table

The complete database hierarchy scheme is shown in a separate document detailing each individual table. Before launch, determine which database tables you need for your organization. Those can be set to visible in the user interface using Roles. Anything you do not need can be turned off using Roles and can be activated in the future if you need it. Each database table uses one or more Dropdown Lists (see Step 3). Based on the database tables you are using you will need to set up the appropriate dropdown list values.

3. Select Values in Dropdown Lists - required

  • Review All Lookup Table Values for Dropdown lists and customize – required
    1. Public Cloud – the Public Cloud comes with already populated values in all of the Lookup Tables which power the dropdown lists. You can customize the values in lists for your organization to only the ones that directly apply. For example, the Country dropdown includes all countries, you can customize the list for your organization to only show the country or countries that you operate in. If there are values that you need for your organization that do not exist, contact IncidentAnalytix to request additions to any dropdown list. 

4. Add Roles - required

  • Review the Permissions Checklist and create a map for the permissions you want to assign to each Role
  • Create Roles for your Users
    1. Roles allow you to set granular permissions on what Users can do when the log in. These should be created before you start adding any Users.

5. Add Users & Assign Them to Roles - required

  • Add Users based and assign them to specific Role at the same time
  • Send Invitations to Users to log into the system
    1. Determine how you want to set up new user logins: 
      • Assign them a default password and check the ‘change password on login’ and email them the login page link
      • Have the system generate an automatic password and have the system send them an automatic email with a link to login (required password change)

Detailed Instructions

A. Set Up Organization Tables

Organization Tables allow you to customize dropdown lists for your particular organization and speed up data entry by being able to quickly add predefined items by selecting them from a dropdown list. 

Required Organization Configurations:

These items must be configured for each Tenant before you begin to add Incident Events: 

  • Organization Details – the complete name and address of your organization which allows the organization name to appear in all headers

Optional Organization Configurations:

These are optional items that you can implement for each Tenant at any time: 

  • Organization Branch – If you have different Branches, you can enter these once and then they can be selected from the Branch dropdown list for an Incident Event simply by selecting the item from a dropdown list. This also allows you to search for Incidents by Organization Branch.
  • Organization Course Type – If you have a set of standard Course types you use on a regular basis, you can enter these once and then they can be selected the Course Type for an Incident Event simply by selecting the item from a dropdown list. This also allows you to search for Incidents by Organization Course Type.
  • Organization Facility – If you have multiple facilities (which can be part of a Site Location) you use on a regular basis, you can enter these once and then they can be selected as the Facility for an Incident Event simply by selecting the item from a dropdown list (for example a gymnasium, climbing wall or ropes course). This also allows you to search for Incidents by Organization Facility.
  • Notification Level – You can set Notification Levels for Incident Events which allows you to trigger individuals who should be notified based on the Notification Level. Notification requires setting up Person to Notify (see below)
  • Organization Program Type – If you have a set of standard Program types you use on a regular basis, you can enter these once and then they can be selected the Program Type for an Incident Event simply by selecting the item from a dropdown list. This also allows you to search for Incidents by Organization Program Type.
  • Organization Site – If you have multiple geographic locations you use on a regular basis, you can enter these once and then they can be selected as the location of an Incident Event simply by selecting the item from a dropdown list. This also allows you to search for Incidents by Organization Site.
  • Person to Notify – Allows you to set up a list of people within the organization who should be notified about and event. In order to add a Notification about an Incident you must add at least one Person to Notify. This allows you to enter a Notification and quickly select the Person Notified from a dropdown list and then enter the information that was transmitted.
  • Insurance Company – If you have want to track Insurance Claims, you can enter one or more Insurance Companies and then they can be selected as the Insurance Company of an Incident Event or Person simply by selecting the item from a dropdown list. If you do any Insurance Tracking, then you need to enter at least one value in this custom organization table (which can be something like ‘Not Selected’)
  • Person Alleged Consequence – If you are tracking Person Alleged, this feature allows you to create Organizational Consequences as a result of an Incident and apply that consequence to the Person Alleged. If you use the Person Alleged Consequence feature, then you need to enter at least one value in this custom organization table (which can be something like ‘Not Selected’) 

Operational Notes:

A. Configuring Privacy – Visible & Not Visible
 Some data may be considered highly confidential and should not be visible to regular users. The data types that specifically include Personal Protected Information (PPI) about specific people can be set to Private so that they are not generally visible. It is possible to set the Visibility of certain data types to preserve confidentiality. If an item is set to Not Visible, it is not displayed in the standard Smart Grids or in Searches. The item(s) are only visible from the specific Not Visible Grid for that Data Type which you can grant specific Role Permissions tor access. In the Privacy Configuration section you can set the Visibility of the following data types:

  • Incident - the top level Incident can be hidden which will hide access through all other child tables listed below
  • Each of these data types can have Privacy set independently
    1. Participant
    2. Person
    3. Person Alleged
    4. Staff
    5. Vehicle
    6. Witness

Changing the Visibility does not delete the data. The data is no longer visible except to people that have access to this Privacy Section. It is still included in Analytics charts and graphs. Please note that you are responsible for setting Role-based Permissions for who can access private records and edit the Visibility status.

B. Soft Delete for Data

In order to maintain database integrity, data should not be deleted. If, for example, you created an Incident and then created multiple Persons underneath that Incident, and then accidentally deleted the Incident, you would disconnect the Persons from their parent Incident. This creates what are called orphan records in the database and can seriously compromise your data.

IncidentAnalytix is designed to prevent such errors and ensure data integrity using a common technique known as a Soft Delete. When a record is deleted in the database, it is not permanently removed. Instead, it is marked as Deleted and is no longer displayed anywhere in the application. The data remains in the underlying database table and can be recovered.